Metro Vancouver BC Probate servcies from Dellis Rand, LLB - showing location of BC on Map of Canada with photo of Downtown Vancouver from False Creek - click for more information about Ms. Rand,s probate / estate administration experience  Dellis Rand, probate lawyer serves Metro Vancouver BC, from her lower mainland of BC offices

D E L L I S   R A N D

British Columbia, Canada
contact info

Law Practice:  Probate & Estate Administration

Dellis Rand, BC probate and estate administration lawyer works out of Metro Vancouver

Dellis Rand has carried on a wills and estates solicitor's practice in British Columbia for over 32 years.

Currently, her practice focuses on:

· Assisting executors with their simple or complex applications for Grants of Probate where the deceased had a will (testate); and

· Assisting administrators in their applications for Grants of Letters of Administration of the deceased's estate where the deceased died without a will (intestate).

Over the years, Ms. Rand has acted as an executrix, an administratrix and as an administratrix pendente lite for a number of estates so she is very familiar with the work involved in obtaining Grants administering estates and the issues that may arise in the process.

Not all applications are straightforward and Ms. Rand has assisted clients in making applications for Cessate Grants, Administration de bonis non Grants, Grants of Probate of a copy of a will, and Grants limited to only certain portions of an estate.

Although located in the Metro Vancouver area, Ms. Rand has been able to assist clients throughout British Columbia as well as Hawaii, California, Washington State, United Kingdom and Germany, in obtaining Ancillary Grants of Probate and Administration - and in having Grants resealed by the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

Contact Dellis Rand for assistance with B.C. probate services

Dellis Rand, Solicitor
Metro Vancouver
Canada   V4L 2N6

Phone:  604.952.4178


Definitions of Terms re Wills / Probate

NB following quotes from About Wills and Estates - Court Services - Ministry of Justice 2012.03.06

  • " Administrator:  the person who applies to and is appointed by the court to take charge of an estate, in accordance with the Estate Administration Act. This can occur when there is no valid will, or if there is a will and no executor is named or able to take charge of the estate."
  • " Beneficiary:  a person who, under the terms of the will, receives a benefit - a specific item or sum of money, a life interest in the assets of the estate or a share of the residue."

Probate Reference Information

The BC Probate Registry

"Each Supreme Court Registry in BC has a Probate Division to receive, verify and process applications for probate and applications for administration.

An applicant for probate applies to the court to prove a will by confirming it as valid under the laws of British Columbia. Applications for administration are usually necessary when a person has died without leaving a valid will (intestate).

The Probate Registries do not provide forms, give legal advice or assist in preparing wills, applications or affidavits."

[nb sentence emphasis added by  Above quoted from BC Ministry of the Attorney General website 2008.12.01]

The Estate Administration Act Act [RSBC 1996] Chap. 122 Estate Administration Act current to February 09, 2012


  • For Wills Probate Lawyers and Estate Administration Services in Victoria BC Click Here!

Who Practices What Areas of Law, Where, For Whom, Why, and for How Much?
What is the world of lawyers and the world of law about? 
This is a layperson's sampler site - a starting point!

This resource area is a collaboration of many people including lawyers, retired judges, notaries, health and social service professionals currently in practice who received their legal/professional training in different countries including: China, Canada, the United Kingdom, the U.S.A.

Credits, Copyright, Dedication & Inspiration

The area of wills, estates and trusts administration on is in part inspired by multiple people and sources including with historic impact on some of this web site's developers:

  • Myrna Cresswell, former senior manager of the then called Office of the Public Trustee of BC, now known as the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia [s/a based in downtown Vancouver BC. 
  • Mr. Clinton Foote, the Public Trustee and Mrs. Creswell initiated and supported from 1985-1990 a landmark project in the area of "quality of life assurance / enhancement" for many of the Trustee's mentally challenged/impaired clients in a large number of residential care programs in BC, including Mental Health Boarding Homes, Valley View Psycho-Geriatric Hospital (located in the Riverview Hospital / Mental Health Complex, adjacent to the Crease Clinic Facilities) in the Port Coquitlam area.
  • The Project Professional Team for the Quality of Life Assurance/Enhancement Project included Psychiatrist, Martha Donnelly at Vancouver General Hospital ; Neuro-Psychologist, Ursula Wild, PHD RPSYCH [in 2008 is listed as a Clinical Associate, with Department of Psychology, Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University [s/a] ; Music Therapist and Social Worker, Yoying Orosa, BSW MT RST as well as Neal Chan, BA MSW (director)
    It is through working with the Public Trustee's staff that Mr. Chan became involved with Vancouver and Victoria lawyers and health professionals on Wills Variation and Breach of Trust legal actions.
  • see also
    • Martha Donnelly, MD, CCFP, FRCPC
      Director, Division of Community Geriatrics, Department of Family Practice,
      UBC Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, UBC Geriatric Psychiatrist, Geriatric Psychiatry Outreach Team, Vancouver Hospital
      Division of Community Geriatrics
      Department of Family Practice,
      715 West 12th Ave.
      Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1M9
      Web site:  Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia
  • [s/a Wills Variation Act [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 490 this online reference is service of Queens Printers and
    copies of the Act and Regulations are available from
    Crown Publications Inc.
    distributors of BC Government Publications and Reports
    106 Ontario Street
    (note: the store is downtown near to the Bastion Square area Victoria, BC V8V1M9
    Phone:  250-386-4636
    Hours of Store:
    Monday to Friday
    8:30am to 5:00pm
    9:30am to 5:00pm
  • Photos and graphics in this legal services section are provided by cartographer / map-maker Angus Weller e.g. Maps of Cities, Regions and Countries sponsored by Weller Cartographic Services Ltd.,   and a number of lawyers involved with this site including Mr. Dil Gosal and Ms. Dellis Rand
Legal Information Reference Sites

Richard Morris, experienced wills & estates lawyer based in Arizona - also  is  licensed Calfironis licensed attonrey

S USA Arizona & California:  Wills, Probate, Trusts, Guardianship
William Morris,B.Sc. Ph.D. J.D., Attorney practising in Arizona & California
Morris Law Firm,Pllc 13951 West Grand Avenue #203 Surprise, AZ,  USA  85374
Languages: English, French, Spanish

  • International Treaties
  • International Law